Earth Hour happens this Saturday, March 28th at 8:30 local time. Click flashlights, light lanterns, and get ready to turn electric lights out to celebrate Earth Hour! Wherever you come from, you can help our planet.
Earth Hour--a worldwide movement
Earth Hour happens this Saturday, March 28th at 8:30 local time. Click flashlights, light lanterns, and get ready to turn electric lights out to celebrate Earth Hour! Wherever you come from, you can help our planet.
Earth Hour--a worldwide movement
Exploring the Western vs. Indigenous Intersection in Costa Rican Mythology. Conversation with Douglas Williamson, Earth Charter International and Willi Paul, Mythologist. Presented
Legend of the Irazú Volcano (Costa Rica)
Near the
“The Sunday Share & Reskilling Festival” (Permaculture + Transition). Recipe by Willi Paul,
Remember, the more resources we offer to our community, the more we will inspire others to offer what they have to us. Together, we have m
“sounds symbols myths” - Interview with 4 New Composers plus 6 Sound Myths (SCORE).
by Willi Paul,
Download “sounds symbols myths” - eBook #17
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Contents -
[ a ] Group Interview with 4 New Composers -
George Earth -
The Adventures of Permaculture Willi 2: Contest to ReCreate the Permaculture Logo. New Myth #56 by Willi Paul,
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“Lucky you have that contest, it’s gonna be raining for the next few days,” shouted P-Willi’s Mom.
“So true,
The Garden Symbol in Old & New Mythology. A Resource for Teachers. By Willi Paul,
Garden Symbols - Old Mythology
• Garden of Eden
• Food as Sacred Spiritual
• Nature as Food Source – Hunt and Gather
• Family Garden
• Cemetery – Formal Gard
Carbon Fighters “Cool the Earth” at Coleman Elementary. Interview with students Cayman Stein and Sam Testa by Willi Paul, Magazine
Coleman Elementary in San Rafael, CA recently launched its fifth year running Cool the Earth¹s Climat
“Permaculture - Bring Back Gaia!” Commentary by Willi Paul, Magazine
I asked one of my recent interviewees if the Earth could be keystone specie? Consider the following “WIKI home office journey” that connects keystone specie with ec
Momentum: eBook 14 - New Alchemy
By Willi Paul, New
Download: Momentum: eBook 14 - New Alchemy
Blister: Our Long, Final Season on Earth by Willi Paul,
“To me ritual is the sacred art of stopping, listening and being. Whether we gather as a group to celebrate and connect, to share the inspiration of tribe or dance in the insan
“Permaculture Teachers & Transition Schools.” Interview with Matt Bibeau, Mother Earth School (Portland), by Willi Paul, Magazine
“Young children are deeply aware and impressionable. It wouldn't be fitting to try to teach permacultu
By Suzanne York,, May 14, 2012
People and the Planet a report by the U.K.'s Royal Society, does not break any new ground, but it does a good job of putting some important and overlooked issues back on the international agenda.
Paul Nurse, p