expo (7)


The Adventures of Permaculture Willi 2: Contest to ReCreate the Permaculture Logo. New Myth #56 by Willi Paul, NewMythologist.com

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“Lucky you have that contest, it’s gonna be raining for the next few days,” shouted P-Willi’s Mom.

“So true,

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“Creating Local Holidays, Festivals, & New Traditions for the Transition Movement?” Video Interviews, Transition Tales 3 from Transition Palo Alto Sharing Expo, March 16, Common Ground, Palo Alto. By Willi Paul, NewMythologist.com

Transition is a wor

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 “Spring Holidays & Transition Tales 3.” Transition Palo Alto’s Spring Sharing Expo, March 16, 1 – 3 pm at Common Ground, Palo Alto. Video Interviews Hosted by Willi Paul, NewMythologist.com

Mark your calendars for March 16. Transition Palo Alto’s Spr

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“New Sharing & Return Rituals & Their Symbols in Transition”

by Willi Paul, openmythsource.com

One critical mandate for the Transition Movement in the present Chaos Era is to createnew myths and associated rituals that guide us. What rituals do you par

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“The Sharing & Re-Skilling Show!”

Transition Palo Alto’s Sharing Expo

 Common Ground, 559 College Ave, Palo Alto

Sunday, September 8, 11am – 12:30pm

 Host: Willi Paul

What is The Sharing & Re-Skilling Show?  It’s Family Edu-Fun ala Transition! Video for

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