new (17)

Liana’s Sacred Hands” - New Myth #67 by Willi Paul,

A liana is any of various long-stemmed, woody vines that are rooted in the soil at ground level and use trees, as well as other means of vertical support, to climb up to the can

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“blood, soil, seed” – “An Integrated System to Create New Permaculture & Transition Rituals & Myths” by Willi Paul,

“Similar to dozens of other community “food forests” emerging in cities such as Seattle and Portland, the intenti

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"The Transition Movement and the New Global Mythology" (+ PDF ver). By Willi Paul, Media

New Global Mythology is digitized, soil, people in synergy. Ideas / fodder / form flow back and forth in our geo-alchemy loop. Not a “one-way ri

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“Creation Mythology” - Article and Interview with Author Ray Grigg by Willi Paul,

“Has the Prima Materia changed? Or perhaps do we need new myths to find it?” – Willi, LinkedIn Mythology Group 11-28-14

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Creation Mythology b

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"Rebellion Coming.” Conversation on Creative Mythology with Willi Paul and Arthur George. From Magazine 

   .... EXCERPT .... >


What do you consider to be good examples of modern myths qualifying as “creative mythology” that ot

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“Grid Town” (Permaculture Station) for the Post-Chaos Era + SYMBO Message 1.0 [video]. New Myth #65. By Willi Paul, Community

No one can predict how global warming will roll-out. It is our man-made, anti-Mother Nature monster cross to bear

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SYMBO: A Symbolic Permaculture Supported Language for the Post-Chaos Era. By Willi Paul,

In the near future, after world-wide Chaos breaks apart long-held corporate control on financial and transportation systems, humans will be l

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"lawyers, guns and water" - a permaculture sound comic

New Myth #64 - Willi Paul,

Watch the LGW Video here.

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“Groundwater is like a bank account. You can’t take out more than you put in on an ongoing basis.”


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“The Permaculture Grid.” A Prototype. New Myth #63 by Willi Paul, Magazine

“American utility companies are responsible for running approximately 5,800 power plants and about 450,000 high-voltage transmission lines, controlled by vario

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"resilience in our age of dementia" - permaculture sound cartoonSCORE Video. New Myth #62. Willi Paul, Media

Watch the Video for resilience in our age of dementia

Project Site @

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Permaculture Propaganda Lab @ old seed bomb factory (2019). New Myth # 54 by Willi Paul, Magazine

"Last month we took up to much too message, an undoable scale."

"Ya right. The “Food Forests on Mars” campaign!"

Sponsored by North Bay C

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“The Permaculture Potluck Cafe” – “New Myth #53”

by Willi Paul,

concerted grassroots effort with the potential for peaceful solutions is taking root through the spread of permaculture, an Earth-centered expression of the spiritual

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sound scapes for kids
eBook #15
willi paul

Download eBook #5

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b o o k 
i n t r o

passports to the TV bored
text love-savvy

world fone generation
headphones blazing, encoded not

make it send it get one back
kid’s secret st

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5 New Nature-based Rituals for the Permaculture Transition.

Vision by Willi Paul,

Shared Work / Experience > Result + Evaluation > Celebration / Reflection / Lesson / Prayer = Ritual

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‘A ritual is a stereotyped seque

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Connect: Use relative location: Place elements in ways that create useful relationships and time-saving connections among all parts. The number of connections among elements creates a healthy, diverse ecosystem, not the number of elements.”  
-  Perm
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Access > Plan > Stewardship

The Roundabout Food Forest Gang (RFF) had a vision of returning a four block street and roundabout to a place to walk, connect, plant and harvest, including a pathway for walkers and bikes in a post-petroleum rebirth. RFF

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