Bay area mythologist and publisher Willi Paul will present the Davis Mythic Roundtable: “ Tools and Inspiration for Creating New Myths” from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Davis Arts Center, 1919 F Street, Davis, CA, 95616. Willi just completed hi
institute (4)
“Texting Joseph Campbell” – “Five Methods to Design New Stories & Myths” - eBook #18. Willi Paul, Media
eBook is attached (see end of post) or as a Free Download
eBook in Support of Mr. Paul’s 11/18/14 Online Roundtable:
“Tools and Ins

The Mythic Engine Kick-Starts a New Mythology. Conversation with Mythologists Willi Paul and Shari Tarbet. + PDF
Please enjoy a better graphic in the PDF version, located for download at the end of the piece.
Introduction (e