What brings you to the SCOCO Network? I was drawn to SCOCO because I want to work directly with my community to promote sustainability, health and wellness.
"I know this article was posted a while ago, but I'm newer to SCOCO. Great story! Thanks for sharing your experience, Julianna. The point about diversity at the end is especially striking. I think a good amount of people still tend to associate…"
If you’ve been rooting around in our Action Guides, you may have seen this suggestion from us before, but it’s one of the easiest ways to reduce your energy use and save money! Although it’s hard to keep track of exactly which appliances are plugged…
"I got planting and started reading Gaia's Garden! I've started interplanting different things that support each other - plants with different root depths and nitrogen fixers in between things that use up nitrogen. I'm inspired to turn my yard into a…"
Please share with the SCOCO team how the Toby Hemenway presentation inspired you to take action. What new action(s) are you planning on doing this year? Did you learn more about permaculture, sustainability, or yourself? We would love to hear…
The season of giving has swiftly arrived and it’s time we do our holiday shopping; but do we know what we’re really giving our loved ones? Cosmetic companies advertise their products to be “natural”, “luxurious”, or “flushable” even though these…
"I was talking about the CoCo San Sustainable Farm just now with my daughter, who is in Mexico City working on her dissertation research. She called the farm, "Hippie Dippy." I loved hearing about your Hippie Dippy conference! thanks for sharing!!"
Before I left for what I imagined would be “permaculture camp”, I did some research so I wouldn’t be that girl pretending I knew what everyone was talking about. I googled enough permaculture terms where I finally felt comfortable reciting its…