Pleasant Hill, CA
Pleasant Hill, CA
What brings you to the SCOCO Network? connect with other like-minded people in CCC. keep abreast of green in CCC
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Pleasant Hill, CA
What brings you to the SCOCO Network?
connect with other like-minded people in CCC. keep abreast of green in CCC
I got your email about this network and am checking it out. Kind of a Facebook thing it seems. Are you considering this for SCOCO instead of your FB presence? I'm new to the semi-public world of social networking and, for example, have no idea if this message will be posted only to you or to anyone. I like the idea of a FB page where you know it's for public consumption. I'm not sure if I'm a good one to comment on this stuff, though, since its still pretty foreign to me.
RE: the no impact man event. Can you get your core group to sign on for it? Have you had much response yet?