A sustainable house and neighborhood uses water, building materials, and fuel efficiently, enhances sustainable recreation and transportation, and doesn't burn up in a wildfire. All are worthy goals that are hard to achieve for individuals and…
No, this isn’t about football. It is about saving lives and buildings in a wildfire—major factors in sustainability. My wife called the Moraga-Orinda Fire District (MOFD) and asked for a home wildfire preparedness inspection. She knew from others…
Compassion is a hard sell! The word comes from the Latin and means "suffer with." Developing a compassionate heart takes time, practice, and patience, another word rooted in suffering. But compassion is essential to the work of sustainable living.…
Autonomous vehicles are here. Major car manufacturers like Ford and BMW have been developing self-driving cars for a decade. But how will having more AVs on the road affect the climate? Will it reduce or increase fossil fuel use? Here are some…
Every few years Californians vote on bond measures to fund infrastructure projects and schools, fight homelessness, provide affordable mental health services, and other programs. With concern about climate change top of mind these days, Proposition…
Today's buzzword for energy nerds, green builders, and environmentalists is "electrification." You might know some other buzzwords like "renewable energy portfolios," "net zero energy use buildings," and "Passive House." These all refer to the same…
Water will be an essential and stressed resource in California, the West, and in any hot, dry climate far into the future. Politics and economic forces are at play regarding water and other natural resources. Besides advocating for local, state,…
Regenerative agriculture certainly sounds positive and healthy, but what is it? One way to find out would be to attend a screening of the powerful film "Kiss the Ground," presented by Sustainable Contra Costa and Unity of Walnut Creek. Narrated by…
"Jim - thanks for sharing your home renovation experience! What is the estimated lifetime of the roof you are installing? Also, I'm curious why you chose engineered wood even though having a dog may scratch the surface and therefore it will likely…"
It's like being pelted with popcorn—the choices and decisions keep coming at us. But some popcorn is more significant than others. The house we are remodeling in Orinda had cement tile shingles, and though the shingles held a lifetime guarantee, we…