daliya robson's Posts (7)

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dangers of personal care products


The toxicIty of personal care products as well as of course paints , particle board, emf from cell phones and carpets and pesticides in food and chemicals in water  all hinder the brain development of our children . Chemicals are holding back our kids from learning. Please get rid all the toxins and see how much  better the focus and learning and behavior is. daliya robson

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Why choose ORGANIC mattresses and bedding? color:black"">

PBDE’s changes a child's intelligence and memory and increases hyperactivity, damages hearing learning and Flame retardent passes through the placenta and is absorbed by the new born. The federal EPA, has jurisdiction over the chemicals but has made no move to regulate them.yes""> Two Cal/EPA scientists, writing in a scientific journals, have recommended a phase out of the chemicals.-Less toxic alternatives to the persistent PBDE flame retardant are desirable," wrote McDonald and Cal/EPA scientist Kim Hooper.
Representatives of the four companies that manufacture PBDE's oppose a ban, saying the compounds' benefits to pubic safety are well known and their risks are uncertain. Several dozen flame-retarding compounds other than PBDE's exist and do not accumulate in tissues and pose less risk. Exposure to toxic chemicals are probably highest in North America because it is the only place still using the form of PBDE most likely to accumulate in humans and the environment. That compound, penta-BDE, is banned in Europe but is used in polyurethane foam of furniture and building materials in the United States. Exposure levels of tested Americans
vary widely - some people carry concentrations as much as 100 times as high as
others. Americans carry 10 to 70 times as much PBDE's in their breast milk,
tissues and blood as Europeans do. No wonder we are so low on the level of learning abilities in our schools . Kids and parents are literally poisoned
Lead, mercury and PCB's - are known to harm human health at levels found
in the environment. The new studies provide evidence that PBDE's may be the
fourth. PBDE's have striking similarities to PCB's which were banned in the 1970's because they were collecting in the tissues of people and wildlife. Like PCB's and DDT, PBDE's
are slow to break down, persisting in the environment and accumulating in human
and animal fat. PBDE concentrations increase as the chemicals move up through
the food web, peaking in top predators such as whales, dolphins, birds of prey
and humans.

PBDE's mimic thyroid hormones, which regulate the growth of a baby's neurological system. Because of that, if exposure comes during a critical phase of brain growth, it
can alter how the brain develops. Chemicals are altering thyroid hormones.
Altering thyroid hormones during fetal development "can affect how the
brain functions. Also, Eriksson and other toxicologists say the flame retardant
has the same effects as PCB's on the brains of newborn animals in the in
wildlife worldwide, settling in oceans and lakes just as PCB's and DDT did.
Even polar bears near the North Pole and sperm whales feeding in deep ocean
waters are contaminated with them.
Some environmental scientists say the discovery of PBDE's near the North
Pole proves their global spread, and that this should be an impetus for U.S.
regulators to take precautionary measures as soon as possible. Please make a point of sharing this information with your doctor who may not know to what extent these newest harsh
regulations are impacting the health of their patients .Ask for a note to
free you from these chemicals. Have your request in your medical file so you
can deduct all non toxic organic products as a health expense or partial health
expense. We will not sell you a mattress with the latest ruling of fire
retardant even if you ask for it . daliya

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Look Out For Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde and your lack of well being,

Formaldehyde is in your lipstick, toothpaste, soft drinks, shampoo, kitchen cabinets, carpeting and wall board of your kid’s school and parent’s mobile home. Eye, nose and throat irritation coughing, skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and nosebleeds are just a few of the everyday symptoms of formaldehyde. EPA has classified formaldehyde as a Probable Human Carcinogen meaning that it causes cancer in animals and likely humans. A great percentage of people are hypersensitive to the irritant effects of formaldehyde even at lowest of levels. People often develop hypersensitivity after breathing formaldehyde vapors during a renovation of home or remodeling or working in a carpet or fabric store.

Most homes and offices have measurable formaldehyde levels using conventional particleboard sub flooring, wallboards and carpets. Two to five years after installation, two to three times the acceptable limit of formaldehyde can be measure in the air. Formaldehyde is in pressed wood products, particleboard, plywood, medium-density fiberboard and paneling used in furniture manufacturing, new home construction, remodeling and renovation, and mobile home construction. Insulation of formaldehyde, Urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) was a big source of contamination in the past. Formaldehyde products usually emit vapors for 7 to 8 years. The emissions are most detrimental during the first few 365 days and the intensity gradually eases up over the next 7 to 8 years. Most home insulated with UFFI had indoor air concentrations of under 0.1 parts per millions (ppm) one year after installation. However UFFI when exposed to extreme heat or moisture can begin to emit formaldehyde vapors no matter how old the insulation. Some consumer paper products, such as grocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues and paper towels, are treated with urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins to make them stronger. UF resins are used as stiffeners, wrinkle resisters, water repellents, fire retardants and adhesive binders in floor covering, carpet backing and permanent-press clothes. Unexplained headache, rashes, nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, or eye, nose, or throat irritation could mean levels of formaldehyde gas are too high. Newer mobile or prefabricated home expose their residents to the highest levels since they usually contain high amounts of particleboard materials .If formaldehyde is in the insulation, particleboard or sub flooring, it is too difficult or expensive to remove. If the source of formaldehyde is paneling, plywood or particleboard we have special sealers. Air Purification to remove chemicals for the air can reduce contamination of your home or office. If the humidity level inside your home is above 50%, using dehumidifiers to reduce the humidity will reduce formaldehyde level.



stay healthy.


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New Carpeting and dangerous chemical fumes.

Adhesives 4-PC (4-phenylcyclohexene) and many chemicals such as Styrene come from SB latex backing and create the fumes associated withregular new carpets. These cause headaches, runny eyes and nose and odorspersist for months and years. After an EPA headquarters incident when hundredsof employees became ill of sick building syndrome, the chemical companiessupplying SB latex to the carpet industry coordinated tests to appease thepublic. Vinyl-backed carpet tileswere tested. They emitted adistinct chemical odor, such as vinyl acetate and formaldehyde. The CPSC studydid not find any negative health could result from this, but people breathingthe fumes did. Health complaintsassociated with carpets include neurological, central nervous system andrespiratory problems. Asthma,allergies, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and environmental illness (EI)are on the increase as people become exposed to low level exposures. Althoughsome states warn people of their presence or vocs in carpets, the industrypersists in using carpet adhesivesand seam sealants, cushions and pads, emitting dangerous toxic chemicalfumes. Carpet adhesive isspread over the entire surface and is usually SB latex. Seam sealants release1,1,1-trichloroethane and toluene.Many carpets with nylon face fibers are stitched into polypropyleneprimary backing and positioned with styrene butadiene latex ( SB latex, calledSBR for styrene butadiene rubber) adhesive on the underside. Two pounds per square yard of adhesiveis the usual secondary SB backing for most carpets. Polypropylene is theprimary backing for others. Somecarpets have fabric or polymer secondary backing, attached with a thin coat ofSB latex. Synthetic foam cushionlaminated directly to carpet is another form of backing. Backing materials of styrene butadienelatex are highly reactive compounds, made of toxic components. 4-PC,,SB Latex,polypropylene or polyurethane. Carpet cushion of bonded urethane, primeurethane, sponge rubber and rubberized jute are cushioning material . Carpetdyeing, resistant Scotchguard ™, antistatic, antimicrobials are all detrimentalto your health.

Formaldehyde and your lack of well being,

Formaldehyde is in your lipstick, toothpaste, soft drinks, shampoo, kitchen cabinets, carpeting and wall board of your kid’s school andparent’s mobile home. Eye, noseand throat irritation coughing, skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, nausea,vomiting, and nosebleeds are just a few of the everyday symptoms offormaldehyde. EPA has classified formaldehyde as a Probable Human Carcinogenmeaning that it causes cancer in animals and likely humans. A great percentage of people arehypersensitive to the irritant effects of formaldehyde even at lowest oflevels. People often develop hypersensitivity after breathing formaldehydevapors during a renovation of home or remodeling or working in a carpet orfabric store.

Most homes and offices have measurable formaldehyde levels using conventional particleboard sub flooring, wallboards and carpets. Two to five years after installation,two to three times the acceptable limit of formaldehyde can be measure in theair. Formaldehyde is in pressedwood products, particleboard, plywood, medium-density fiberboard and panelingused in furniture manufacturing, new home construction, remodeling and renovation,and mobile home construction. Insulation of formaldehyde, Urea-formaldehydefoam insulation (UFFI) was a big source of contamination in the past.Formaldehyde products usually emit vapors for 7 to 8 years. The emissions aremost detrimental during the first few 365 days and the intensity graduallyeases up over the next 7 to 8 years. Most home insulated with UFFI had indoorair concentrations of under 0.1 parts per millions (ppm) one year afterinstallation. However UFFI when exposed to extreme heat or moisture can beginto emit formaldehyde vapors no matter how old the insulation. Some consumer paper products, such asgrocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues and paper towels, are treated withurea-formaldehyde (UF) resins to make them stronger. UF resins are used asstiffeners, wrinkle resisters, water repellents, fire retardants and adhesivebinders in floor covering, carpet backing and permanent-press clothes.Unexplained headache, rashes, nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, or eye, nose, orthroat irritation could mean levels of formaldehyde gas are too high. Newermobile or prefabricated home expose their residents to the highest levels sincethey usually contain high amounts of particleboard materials .If formaldehydeis in the insulation, particleboard or sub flooring, it is too difficult orexpensive to remove. If the source of formaldehyde is paneling, plywood orparticleboard we have special sealers. Air Purification to remove chemicals forthe air can reduce contamination of your home or office. If the humidity levelinside your home is above 50%, using dehumidifiers to reduce the humidity willreduce formaldehyde level.

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Sun -screen and other toxic chemicals

What's in sun tan lotions, sun-screen ,hair spray and other cosmetics used before coming to the swimming pool. There should be adebate if these chemicals should be allowed at all in our swimming water or inthe air we breathe. It would be a great consideration if we could have achemical free zone at the pool



Sunscreens contain amino benzoic acid and its esters (PABA), cinnamates, and oxybenzene can cause a skin rash and allergic photosensitivities. A new nitrosamineknown as NPABAO was found in certain sunscreens containing padimate-O as theactive ingredient. Nitrosamines themselves can be

Carcinogenic. Miscellaneous compounds, such as fragrances, lanolin, alcohol, andpreservatives may also cause skin and eye irritation or sensitization. Many ofthe popular ingredients in our full-spectrum sun protection products are loadedwith toxins. Avobenzone is used a lot, and some scientists have

noted that it breaks down after being on the skin for only an hour

Para Amino benzoic acid (PABA)






Menthyl anthranilate


Octo methoxycinnamate

Octyl salicylate


Padimate O



Trolamine salicylate


At best when you use sunscreen your body and ours are absorbing synthetic chemicals, and with "experts " recommendations to applygenerous amounts of the product every few hours, you will likely be absorbing afair amount. It is hard to believe that all of these chemicals will not haveany effect on your system or others sharing the swimming pools and facilities.

Please look for fragrance free products with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which act as physical barriers that reflect UV rays are less problematic in terms of absorption.

Sunscreen and Vitamin D

Aside from the potential chemical toxicity sun screen blocks your skin's ability to make vitamin D by more than 95 percent. Foroptimal vitamin D levels regular sun exposure is the best way to achieveVitamin D creation.


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Consider checking your health symptoms and consider how you would be without these chemicals.HOW ABOUT FRAGRANT FREE POLICY IN PUBLIC PLACES

Twenty Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance Products.

Principal chemicals found in scented products are:

ACETONE in cologne, dishwashing liquid and detergent, nail enamel remover. Acetone is on the EPA, RCRA, CERCLA Hazardous Waste list.

Inhalation can cause dryness of the mouth and throat; dizziness, nausea, in coordination, slurredspeech , drowsiness, and, in severe exposures, coma. "Acts primarily as acentral nervous system (CNS) depressant.

BENZALDEHYDE is in perfume, cologne, hairspray, laundry bleach, deodorants, detergent, Vaseline lotion, shaving cream, shampoo, bar soap,dishwasher detergent. It is a Narcotic. Sensitizer. It is a Local anesthetic,CNS depressant irritation to the mouth, throat, eyes, skin, lungs, and GItract, causing nausea and abdominal pain. May cause kidney damage. "Do not use with contactlenses."

BENZYL ACETATE is in perfume, cologne, shampoo, fabric softener, stickup air freshener, dishwashing liquid and detergent, soap, hairspray,bleach, aftershave, deodorants) - Carcinogenic (linked to pancreatic cancer);From vapors: irritating to eyes and respiratory passages, exciting cough. Inmice: hyper anemia of the lungs .Can be absorbed through the skin causingsystemic effects." "Do not flush to sewer." If that is the casewhy use it on your own body?

BENZYL ALCOHOL is in perfume, cologne, soap, shampoo, nail enamel remover, air freshener, laundry bleach and detergent, Vaseline lotion,deodorants, fabric softener and is irritating to the upper respiratory tractheadache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, CNS depression,and death in severe cases due to respiratory failure.

CAMPHOR in perfume, shaving cream, nail enamel, fabric softener,

Dish washer detergent, nail color, stickup air freshener) - "local irritant

and CNS stimulant" ..."readily absorbed through body tissues"yes""> irritation of eyes, nose and throat"..."dizziness, confusion, nausea, twitching muscles and convulsions""Avoid inhalation of vapors."

ETHANOL (in: perfume, hairspray, shampoo, fabric softener, dish washing liquid and detergent, laundry detergent, shaving cream, soap,Vaseline lotion, air fresheners, nail color and remover, paint and varnishremover) -

On EPA Hazardous Waste list; symptoms: "...fatigue; irritating to eyes and upper respiratorytract even in low concentrations..." "Inhalation of ethanol vaporscan have effects similar to those characteristic of

ingestion. These include an initial stimulatory effect followed by

drowsiness , impaired vision, ataxia, stupor..." Causes CNS disorder.

ETHYL ACETATE (in: after shave, cologne, perfume, shampoo, nail color, nailenamel remover, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid) - Narcotic. OnEPAHazardous Waste list; "...irritating to the eyes and respiratorytract""may cause headache and narcosis (stupor)” ..."defattingeffect on skin and may cause drying and cracking" ..."may causeanemia with leukocytosis and damage to liver and kidneys" "Washthoroughly after handling."

LIMONENE (in: perfume, cologne, disinfectant spray, bar soap, shaving cream,

deodorants, nail color and remover, fabric softener, dishwashing liquid, airfresheners, after shave,bleach, paint and varnish remover) - Carcinogenic."Prevent its contactwith skin or eyes because it is an irritant and sensitizer." "Alwayswash thoroughly after using this material and before eating, drinking,...applying cosmetics. Do not inhale limonene vapor."

Is this a joke ????These poisons are sold in order to inhale.

LINALOOL (in: perfume, cologne, bar soap, shampoo, hand lotion, nail enamel remover , hairspray, laundry detergent,dishwashing liquid, vaseline lotion , air fresheners, bleach powder, fabricsoftener, shaving cream, after shave , solid deodorant) - Narcotic. Respiratorydisturbances" "Attractsbees." "In animal tests: ataxic gait, reduced spontaneous motoractivity and depression ... development of respiratory disturbances leading todeath."depressed frog-heart activity." Causes CNS disorder.

METHYLENE CHLORIDEin: shampoo, cologne, paint and varnish remover) -Banned by the FDA in 1988! No enforcement possible due to trade secret lawsprotecting chemical fragrance industry. On EPA, RCRA, CERCLA Hazardous Waste lists."Carcinogenic Absorbed, stored in body fat, it metabolizes to carbonmonoxide, reducing oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood." "Headache,giddiness, stupor, irritability, fatigue, tingling in the limbs." CausesCNS disorder.

a-PINENE in: bar and liquid soap, cologne, perfume, shaving cream,

deodorants, dishwashing liquid, air freshener. Sensitizer damaging to the immune system.

g-TERPINENE in: cologne, perfume, soap, shaving cream, deodorant, air freshener) - "Causes asthma and CNS disorders."

a-TERPINEOL in perfume, cologne, laundry detergent, bleach powder, laundry bleach, fabric softener, stickup air freshener, vaselinelotion, cologne, soap, hairspray,after shave, roll-on deodorant) - highly irritating to mucous membranes..Aspiration into the lungs can produce pneumonitis or even fatal edema."Can also cause excitement, ataxia (loss of muscular coordination), hypothermia,CNS and respiratory depression, and headache. Prevent repeated or prolongedskin contact."


Unable to secure MSDS for the following chemicals: 1,8-CINEOLE;


Relevant Facts:

95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. They includebenzene derivatives, aldehydes and many other known toxics and sensitizers -capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders andallergic reactions. Neurotoxins: At Home andyes""> the Workplace, Report by the Committee on Science &Technology, U.S. House

of Representatives, Sept. 16, 1986. (Report 99-827)

Central Nervous System disorders (brain and spine) include Multiple

Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Chloroform was found in tests of fabric softeners: EPA's 1991 study.

A room containing an air freshener had high levels of p-dichlorobenzene (a carcinogen) and ethanol:EPA's 1991 study.

An FDA analysis (1968-1972) of 138 compounds used in cosmetics that most frequently involvedadverse reactions, identified five chemicals- alpha-terpineol, benzyl acetate,benzyl alcohol, limonene and linalool that are among the 20 most commonly used in the 31 fragrance productstested by the EPA in 1991!

Thirty-three million Americans suffer from sinusitis an inflammation orinfection of sinuspassages).

Twelve million Americans have asthma. Asthma and asthma deaths have increased over 30% in thepast 10 years.

Headaches cost $50 billion in lost productivity and medical expenses and 157 million lost work days in 1991."Focus on Fragrance and Health," by Louise Kosta, The HumanEcologist, Fall 1992.

Written by: Julia Kendall, Co-Chair, Citizens for a Toxic-Free Marin; Phone:

(415) 485-6870

Reference: Lance Wallace, Environmental Protection Agency, Excerpts from"Health HazardInformation" References: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

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Chemical Free and Nontoxic Alternatives

Please share this information in schools and in kindergardents and at work as kids and parents are both less effectve while using toxic fragranced products in clothing and as personal cosmetics .



These are dryer sheets that are fragrance free, chemical free and nontoxic.They are environmentally safe and hypoallergenic with no allergens orirritating chemicals like Alpha Terpeneol, Benzyl Acetate, Benzyl Alcohol, Camphor, Chloroform, EthylAcetate, Limonene, Linalool Pentane that effect your brain and nervous systemor those of your neighbors. If you are using the regular toxic dryers sheetsplease consider that some of us actually pass out with these toxic chemicals.You are also likely to be a little less well if you use them or detergents thatinclude these chemicals.

Reusable 500 times and safe for seniors, babies, children, pets, people with sensitive itchy skin, sensitive lungs, noseand people with migraines or a vulnerable immune system. The toxic dryer sheetsare effecting gait and balance and coherence.

One set of sheets last for 3 years

No chemicals and no toxicity. This fragrance free chemical free laundry product softens fabric materials eliminates staticcling and reduces the need for ironing wrinkles and creases. If you blend somecotton with the synthetic clothing you will also have less static cling. 1 set of 2 natural, Hypo-allergenic sheetslook like small tee shirts and last 2 to 3 years!

Allergy sufferers, chemically injured, environmentally injured, autistic or add, ADHD, invalids, allergic toeverything, asthmatics and environmentally green conscientious citizensrejoice.

For added static protection you can rub directly on your laundry as it leaves no residue. Using the laundromat or beingin a room with people that use conventional laundry softeners is a healthhazard of serious proportions for many people.

2 or 3 years supply for 2 washes a week. These dryer sheets have the advantages of a traditional dryer sheet, withoutchemicals, fragrances, fumes and petro chemical odors. 5 washes at least are needed until theresidue of the previous chemicals leave the dryer.

Please pass along this information to anyone who is suffering from chemicals in dryer sheets.

Participate in greening our community

Seniors will not feel dizzy and incoherent or suffer from itchy sking, buring eyes or ashtm or magraine if they stop usingregular laundry softners as in their TIDE or Bounce or Snuggly.

Wash with laundry every 6 to 10 washes or so.

check internet for availability-look for toxic free dryer sheets

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