Cooking-In-Place? Remember To Reduce Waste!
- Shop your own pantry and fridge first - Most of us have a lot of food we didn't even kno
Nail polish remover, paint, kerosene, window cleaner… Sometimes we buy cleaners and other chemicals, use them a couple of times, and then retire them to the back of a bathroom cabinet or that dusty shelf in the garage. So what do you do with that st
Read more…You did it! We are inspired and awed by our community for rising to the Community Resilience Challenge East Bay this May with 9,415 actions to save water and energy, reduce waste and pollution, and build community! This year’s challenge has resulted
Read more…Summer officially begins this month on the 21st, and many of us will be traveling this season. Although vacations are relaxing, traveling itself can be a bit stressful - especially if you’re waste-conscious. As I’ve attempted to go zero waste these p
Read more…By now you may have heard of Bea Johnson, the author of the bestselling book Zero Waste Home. She and her family of four have been living a zero-waste lifestyle since 2008, only producing one jar of trash each year. Bea Johnson’s blog explores wast
Read more…Does it make you cringe to see a piece of trash tumbling down the street or floating in a creek? Do you wish there was something you could do about it? One way you can help reduce waste in your community is by participating in a local cleanup event
Have you recently come across bothersome packaging, like products sealed into the kind of clear molded plastic package that requires bolt cutters to open? Or the disposable coffee cup you were handed before you could even ask for a ceramic mug? Waste
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