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- May 4, 2013 from 4:45am to 10:00am MDT
- Location: Private home in Walnut Creek.
- Latest Activity: Oct 30, 2020
Space is limited - reserve your ticket today at
Lower your water bill ** Conserve water ** Practice reuse ** Grow happy plants
LEARN how to reuse water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines in this fun, hands-on workshop.
LEARN about common and popular greywater systems, soap and product considerations, codes, design and installation considerations, and how to build a laundry to landscape system.
INSTALL a greywater system from the washing machine to irrigate edible plants at a private residence, so that you can do the same to yours!
Flyer for event to share with friends, GreywaterFullPageFlyer.pdf.