New Carpeting and dangerous chemical fumes.
Adhesives 4-PC (4-phenylcyclohexene) and many chemicals such as Styrene come from SB latex backing and create the fumes associated withregular new carpets. These cause headaches, runny eyes and nose and odorspersist for months and years. After an EPA headquarters incident when hundredsof employees became ill of sick building syndrome, the chemical companiessupplying SB latex to the carpet industry coordinated tests to appease thepublic. Vinyl-backed carpet tileswere tested. They emitted adistinct chemical odor, such as vinyl acetate and formaldehyde. The CPSC studydid not find any negative health could result from this, but people breathingthe fumes did. Health complaintsassociated with carpets include neurological, central nervous system andrespiratory problems. Asthma,allergies, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and environmental illness (EI)are on the increase as people become exposed to low level exposures. Althoughsome states warn people of their presence or vocs in carpets, the industrypersists in using carpet adhesivesand seam sealants, cushions and pads, emitting dangerous toxic chemicalfumes. Carpet adhesive isspread over the entire surface and is usually SB latex. Seam sealants release1,1,1-trichloroethane and toluene.Many carpets with nylon face fibers are stitched into polypropyleneprimary backing and positioned with styrene butadiene latex ( SB latex, calledSBR for styrene butadiene rubber) adhesive on the underside. Two pounds per square yard of adhesiveis the usual secondary SB backing for most carpets. Polypropylene is theprimary backing for others. Somecarpets have fabric or polymer secondary backing, attached with a thin coat ofSB latex. Synthetic foam cushionlaminated directly to carpet is another form of backing. Backing materials of styrene butadienelatex are highly reactive compounds, made of toxic components. 4-PC,,SB Latex,polypropylene or polyurethane. Carpet cushion of bonded urethane, primeurethane, sponge rubber and rubberized jute are cushioning material . Carpetdyeing, resistant Scotchguard ™, antistatic, antimicrobials are all detrimentalto your health.
Formaldehyde and your lack of well being,
Formaldehyde is in your lipstick, toothpaste, soft drinks, shampoo, kitchen cabinets, carpeting and wall board of your kid’s school andparent’s mobile home. Eye, noseand throat irritation coughing, skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, nausea,vomiting, and nosebleeds are just a few of the everyday symptoms offormaldehyde. EPA has classified formaldehyde as a Probable Human Carcinogenmeaning that it causes cancer in animals and likely humans. A great percentage of people arehypersensitive to the irritant effects of formaldehyde even at lowest oflevels. People often develop hypersensitivity after breathing formaldehydevapors during a renovation of home or remodeling or working in a carpet orfabric store.
Most homes and offices have measurable formaldehyde levels using conventional particleboard sub flooring, wallboards and carpets. Two to five years after installation,two to three times the acceptable limit of formaldehyde can be measure in theair. Formaldehyde is in pressedwood products, particleboard, plywood, medium-density fiberboard and panelingused in furniture manufacturing, new home construction, remodeling and renovation,and mobile home construction. Insulation of formaldehyde, Urea-formaldehydefoam insulation (UFFI) was a big source of contamination in the past.Formaldehyde products usually emit vapors for 7 to 8 years. The emissions aremost detrimental during the first few 365 days and the intensity graduallyeases up over the next 7 to 8 years. Most home insulated with UFFI had indoorair concentrations of under 0.1 parts per millions (ppm) one year afterinstallation. However UFFI when exposed to extreme heat or moisture can beginto emit formaldehyde vapors no matter how old the insulation. Some consumer paper products, such asgrocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues and paper towels, are treated withurea-formaldehyde (UF) resins to make them stronger. UF resins are used asstiffeners, wrinkle resisters, water repellents, fire retardants and adhesivebinders in floor covering, carpet backing and permanent-press clothes.Unexplained headache, rashes, nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, or eye, nose, orthroat irritation could mean levels of formaldehyde gas are too high. Newermobile or prefabricated home expose their residents to the highest levels sincethey usually contain high amounts of particleboard materials .If formaldehydeis in the insulation, particleboard or sub flooring, it is too difficult orexpensive to remove. If the source of formaldehyde is paneling, plywood orparticleboard we have special sealers. Air Purification to remove chemicals forthe air can reduce contamination of your home or office. If the humidity levelinside your home is above 50%, using dehumidifiers to reduce the humidity willreduce formaldehyde level.