The Community Resilience Challenge is off to a great start this year. Hundreds of people have been pledging their actions at Earth Day festivals and other public events. Pledgers are choosing a new activity that they will do this year to build more sustainable homes, families, and communities. No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, there’s something for YOU. Last year we had 9,415 actions and projects registered, and our goal is to exceed that! Make sure to tell all your friends and family and encourage them to take the challenge.
Between now and the first weekend in June the SCOCO Team is reaching out to people at farmer's markets and music festivals, teaching them smart ways to save energy and water, reduce waste, grow food, and build community. They get excited to learn more and make a commitment, they also love that we give out rewards like $10 Bill's Ace Hardware and Sloat cards, CCWD shower timers, and everyone who pledges can get a free yard of EcoMulch!
We want to hear from you! Share the story of your inspirational community resilience projects and actions here, and share them online with the hashtag #EastBayChallenge.
Online pledges are eligible for prizes too! Pledge your action here.
Contact for more information.