Let’s get moving!

12342648852?profile=RESIZE_710xClimate change can feel overwhelming and you may be thinking about what else you can do. One simple action to take this year is to increase your physical activity. Let’s face it, life’s better when you’re healthy and it’s the same with our environment. Every year, many resolutions revolve around better health — losing weight, getting in shape, being in better spirits. This year consider incorporating your physical activity into actions that help you and our planet enjoy better health.


Regular physical activity can help fight chronic diseases; lower the risk of high blood pressure and stroke, improve mental health and cognitive function, prevent weight gain and reduce arthritis symptoms. Physical activity like gardening and walking can connect you with nature and help lift your spirits. According to the CDC, only half of adults get the physical activity they need.

Recommended minimum
Health professionals recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week for healthy adults. You can shoot for 30 minutes a day most days, and remember even 10 or 15 minutes of exercise counts towards your overall goal. Gradually adding small amounts of exercise can help build your strength and stamina.

Leave your car at home
With a little planning, you can start to incorporate your activity into energy saving activities such as walking, biking, carpooling, and taking public transportation to help reduce our carbon footprint and air pollution. According to CoolCalifornia.gov transportation is California’s largest source of carbon dioxide gas and the primary contributor to climate change. Cars and trucks create approximately 38% of total climate change emissions.

Oh, the places you’ll go
Consider where can you walk or bike to. Maybe walk or bike to the local library, farmers market, park, or coffee shop to meet with a friend. Perhaps you walk to the market to buy a couple of things or even do your weekly shopping with a wheeled cart. Walking with a friend can also support social needs.

Overcoming obstacles

If you haven’t cycled since you were a kid or need a little help, consider peddling an e-bike. Enjoy some fresh air, exercise, and get where you are going with ease. To lighten your load, take advantage of tools like cargo bags, bike trailers and baskets. If you’re not able to walk long distances, consider grouping tasks into a single car trip and knock out multiple errands, which will save save time, energy, and fuel.

The time is now
This month, make a commitment to try one new activity or join the 2024 Sustainable Movement Challenge. Take the Challenge anytime before March 31, 2024 and be entered in a drawing for a $50 Sports Basement Gift Card. Just start where you are now and build up slowly you will soon be enjoying the benefits of moving more.

While increasing your physical activity may seem like a small change, it is something that each of us can do. Multiplied by many, it can make a difference in helping us be a healthier, happier community. So, grab your sneakers, your bike and your helmet, or your Clipper card and see where you can go.

 Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash


County Connection: bus routes, schedules, and fees

Bikes on Transit: tips for taking your bike on trains and buses

Biking in Contra Costa County: general tips, incentives, and resources:

E-Bike rebate program: cash rebate of $150 to $500

511 Contra Costa: bike maps and trails. Check out their Winter Walk Challenge.

BART: schedules, maps, fares, trip planner





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