Take advantage of the long summer days and spend some time exploring the outdoors! Whether you're going camping or hiking, remember to take only photos and leave only footprints. When outdoors, consider doing the following:
1. Plan ahead by packing snacks and water in reusable containers, and bring reusable face masks in case you pass others.
2. Pack out trash, recycling and compost. Bring extra bags in case there is no recycling/composting at your campsite.
3. Reuse or repair gear you already have or consider renting.
4. If you must buy new, purchase gear made with recycled materials.
5. Before you leave an area, do a "trash sweep" to ensure that no trash has been left behind.
6. Use biodegradable soap and toothpaste to reduce your impact on local plants and animals.
7. If you're using propane, try using reusable canisters! Refilling these canisters is cheaper than buying new, and reduces hazardous waste.
8. Bring reusable utensils and dishes from home--they can be cleaned in the outdoors and can handle the meal you'll want after being outdoors all day. Even a pot, a pan, and some basic utensils and plates will work!