Yes, we all recycle. Perhaps we have installed drip irrigation, or have even replaced our lawn. As Sustainable Contra Costa supporters, we share a passion for creating a more just, sustainable world. Is there anything else we could be doing?
Take the 2017 Community Resilience Challenge and find out!
The Community Resilience Challenge is an annual mobilization campaign that inspires thousands of citizens and groups to take action to save water, grow food, conserve energy, reduce waste pollution, and build community. In the last 5 years, Contra Costa residents have pledged to take 32,873 actions. The Challenge has spread to communities across the country and inspired individuals to commit to over 77,000 individual acts.
Registration is easy, and participants can choose among 25 suggested actions (everything from installing a greywater system, to planting a fruit tree to making a zero waste pledge) or you can register your own action by selecting the ‘other’ action field when you register. No matter where you are on your sustainability journey, there’s something for YOU.
Actions can be registered now through the end of June 4, and make sure to pledge a new action that you aren't already doing.The beauty of the Challenge is its simplicity. It's easier to get 10,000 people to do one simple thing than it is to get 1,000 people to do 10 things. By getting more people involved with change, we are building social capital. The Challenge demonstrates that just, sustainable communities don't have to mean hardship; instead, we can enjoy fun activities and get to know our neighbors. And when we build community, we may find more ease and pleasure in our lives through connectedness.
What can you do to help?
Go to and take the challenge.
Share the Challenge with family, friends and your social network.
Get involved! Contact to volunteer at one of the many Challenge events happening in April & May.
Urge your City to become a SCOCO Challenge Partner, joining Antioch, Martinez, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek.
Contact if you want to get involved more directly, or bring the challenge to your city.
One of your actions can be to attend Concord's 2nd Annual Earth Day Celebration on April 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Hillcrest Park.