Using and Preserving Herbs

Summer is transitioning into fall, and thanks to our temperate climate, herbs in your garden may still be going (and growing) strong. This is an excellent time of year to deepen your scope of knowledge, whether you are a novice on herbs and just getting started, want to know more about using herbs medicinally, or want to attract more pollinators. It's also time to think about preserving those herbs so you can enjoy them well into winter!

Herbs can be grown on your windowsill, in containers on your patio, and throughout your landscaping. It is delightful and gratifying to observe and support bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds as they visit their favorite plants and go about their pollinating business in our gardens.

For an article on herbs that attract pollinators, go HERE

If you want to enjoy your luscious herbs in the perfect cup of herbal tea on a cold day in winter but your outdoor plants are no longer thriving, consider preserving them while they are at their peak of freshness so you can savor them later! There are several easy methods for preserving herbs. They can be preserved simply through air drying, oven drying, or freezing. Different methods work better for certain herbs. 

To read “Three Ways to Preserve Fresh Herbs,” go HERE 

For a more comprehensive article on harvesting and storing herbs along with a few recipes, check out: “9 Great Ways to Preserve Your Herbs and Use Them All Year Long” HERE 

Herbs are beautiful to look at, wonderful to smell, and healthful for the body. What's not to love? Check out: "Herb 10 Reasons to Grow Your Own Herb Garden" HERE

Inform your healthcare providers about any herb and dietary supplements you take.



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