On Saturday, June 10, Sustainable Contra Costa hosted our Greywater “Laundry-to-Landscape” workshop at a home in Antioch, CA in partnership with Contra Costa Water District and the City of Pittsburg. Participants learned how to install a greywater system and convert their washer from laundry to landscape. Photos from our workshop on Jun 10, 2023 are located in the Google folder linked here: Greywater Workshop Photos 2023
With the help of the experts from Greywater Action, participants learned about the most common and popular greywater systems, soap and product considerations, codes, considerations for installation and design, and how to build the system!
Workshop participants left with priceless knowledge about installing a greywater system and the benefits of re-using what we would normally think of as “dirty” water to irrigate home gardens and direct that resource towards our yards instead of polluting local bodies of water. Homeowners who install a greywater system are eligible for a rebate from CCWD or their water utility.
Our workshop series this month focused on water conservation and sustainability. We will continue to have community workshops this year and hope to see everyone at a workshop of interest in the near future. A big thank you to our partners, volunteers and our workshop hosts, Kirk and Erin!
Resources and Testimonials:
Greywater Action’s website: greywateraction.org
Our homeowners, who offered their home as the venue for the workshop, said “Thank you for educating us and helping install our system. It was a very long day, but I’m sooo excited that our plants will get water and will help us save our water resources.”